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About Us

As a Group we have taken three clear strategic choices that we want to focus on: Speed, Cities and Open Source. Our People will bring them to life.

Creating the New’ is the headline for our next five-year strategic business plan. ‘Creating the New’ is the attitude that leads us into the future – an exciting future, because our industry is growing in size and scope and will continue to do so. In fact, the sporting goods industry is growing faster than most other industries, including consumer electronics. This trend will continue. Sport is central to every culture and society and is core to an individual’s health and happiness. All of this is very good news to us because our core competency is sport.Through sport, we have the power to change lives. We work every day to inspire and enable people to harness the power of sport in their lives. We also translate our competence in sports into streetwear and fashion because sport is an attitude and a lifestyle. Everything we do is rooted in sports.

Unique portfolio of brands

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nostrum nihil id commodi ipsa vitae dolore molestiae minus enim. Nulla ut recusandae nemo quam autem minus totam impedit, quod accusamus optio?
Illum consequuntur aliquid dignissimos voluptatibus cum ratione omnis, repudiandae magni ex consequatur dolor in numquam, id architecto eaque non asperiores laborum accusamus temporibus, voluptatem iste. Consequuntur repellendus magnam, quam fugit!
Dolore aut et eius accusamus sint, quia cupiditate laborum, natus autem? Facere, quis ex officiis soluta eaque similique incidunt, assumenda veniam hic a cumque corporis porro. Ipsam quo consequatur, dicta?
Impedit repellendus, nesciunt ab eius cupiditate quaerat a fugit sint inventore blanditiis velit eos laudantium facilis et possimus esse quia deleniti necessitatibus, iure natus illo molestiae! Facilis hic iure, modi!

At the very heart of ‘Creating the New’ are our brands. Our brands are what connect us with our consumers; therefore, the success of our brands defines the success of our business. Our core brands – adidas and Reebok – have strong identities in sport. adidas appeals to athletes and Reebok focuses on the fitness consumer. Through our unique portfolio of leading sports brands, we cater for the needs and desires of more consumers than any of our competitors. With ‘Creating the New’, we will get closer to them than ever before. To achieve that, our plan is based on three strategic choices:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nostrum nihil id commodi ipsa vitae dolore molestiae minus enim. Nulla ut recusandae nemo quam autem minus totam impedit, quod accusamus optio?
Illum consequuntur aliquid dignissimos voluptatibus cum ratione omnis, repudiandae magni ex consequatur dolor in numquam, id architecto eaque non asperiores laborum accusamus temporibus, voluptatem iste. Consequuntur repellendus magnam, quam fugit!
Dolore aut et eius accusamus sint, quia cupiditate laborum, natus autem? Facere, quis ex officiis soluta eaque similique incidunt, assumenda veniam hic a cumque corporis porro. Ipsam quo consequatur, dicta?
Impedit repellendus, nesciunt ab eius cupiditate quaerat a fugit sint inventore blanditiis velit eos laudantium facilis et possimus esse quia deleniti necessitatibus, iure natus illo molestiae! Facilis hic iure, modi!

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